Monday, January 26, 2009

Fairness - February's 1st-5th grade virtue

Virtue video – select video #2 on the media player at

Fair Grounds

"That's not fair!" Who among us has never put his hands on his hips and cried those words? Most of us have built-in fairness radar--at least when it comes to how we're treated. But of course fairness is a two-way street. More on that in a minute.
Let's get something else out of the way first: the words SAME and EQUAL. Sometimes SAME = EQUAL. Sometimes it does not--which is how we're approaching the virtue of fairness. Think about it this way: fairness is NOT about treating people THE SAME. Because God created us in His image (Genesis 1:27), we are alike in some ways, but different in others. Apart from obvious physical differences, we have different personalities, skills and talents, likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. Because we're different, we have different NEEDS. And because we have different needs, we don't all necessarily need to be treated the same. (Example: I bet you and your siblings are not all the same. You are different in some ways. Which means your parents needed to do some things differently for each of you in order to parent you in the way you needed. Right?) So, fairness is not about treating people the same. Instead, fairness IS about treating people EQUALLY. Because God created us, He loves each of us--dearly and without favoritism. So much so that He sent His one and only Son to die for us (John 3:16), regardless of our sex, age, race, ethnicity, or nationality. As Peter said, "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right" (Acts 10:34-35, NIV). Thank goodness God is fair!

Back to that two-way street thing: As dearly loved children of God, He wants us to be imitators of Him (Ephesians 5:1). "As believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don't show favoritism" (James 2:1, NIV). In other words, don't unfairly favor one person OR unfairly "disfavor" another. So this month, we'll be going to the "Fair Grounds," where everyone is treated with respect.

  • Week 1: Treat everyone fairly because everyone's important to God.
    (The principle of fairness, James 2)
  • Week 2: Treat everyone fairly--even those who are different.
    (The parable of the good Samaritan, Luke 10)
  • Week 3: Treat everyone fairly--even your enemies.
    (Saul and Ananias, Acts 9)
  • Week 4: Show God's love to everyone because He wants everyone to know Him.
    (Jesus' last orders to the disciples, Matthew 28; Acts 1)

God bless you as you teach your child.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Children's Ministry Annual Report

The Arvada Covenant Church Annual Meeting takes place Sunday, January 25 after the morning services.  This is the annual report from the Children's Ministry Commission.

Launch! Children’s Ministry

The Children’s Ministry team partners with parents to reach, teach and touch children from birth through fifth grade with the love of our great God. Our ministry’s name, “Launch! The adventure starts here,” describes our awareness of the tremendous privilege we share with parents to introduce a child to a meaningful, lifelong relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

We continued to develop our team based approach to ministry in order to use the God-given talents of our staff, commission members, Sunday and Wednesday leaders, behind-the-scenes prep team and our many special event volunteers for the best results. We thank God for each and every person involved in Launch! We continue to pray for even more people to join us in serving the children and families of our church and community. Highlights of the past year include:

Weekend Worship and Spiritual Growth. We believe that children’s spiritual growth, like most adults’, happens best in the context of relationships with others and with God. Our newly re-designed, kid-friendly spaces, (a major part of the church’s remodel project) gave us greater flexibility to give our best work and efforts to minister to kids with this goal in mind.

Children gather each Sunday morning at 9 and 10:45 a.m. in small, age-based groups where they build community and friendships. Their leaders introduce the lesson in fun, imaginative ways. Later, they join with other small groups for large-group creative Bible teaching and worship. Finally, they return to their small group for activities, sharing and prayer, facilitated by their adult leaders. As kids head home with their parents, we send along ideas for parent-led discussions and activities to reinforce the concepts presented on Sunday.

Wednesday Night Oasis As the name suggests, Wednesday nights is designed to be a mid-week highlight for kids where they enjoy games, Bible stories and skits, and spending time with friends. In 2008, we added a kid-friendly Bible memory program, Verse Worx, for elementary students, which highlights important Biblical themes and verses.

Kids’ Camp was our fun, high energy, summertime week of evangelism, worship and spiritual growth with 550 of our ACC kids and their friends and neighbors. We simply couldn’t have pulled it off without the help of over 150 dedicated volunteer leaders!

Community Fall Festival. This annual event gave us the opportunity to introduce our church and ministry to over 400 church friends and neighbors in a fun, family-targeted environment.

At our Family Advent Night - "Jingle Jam", families and children worshiped and laughed together as they learned about the peace that we have through Jesus Christ.

Our interactive Christmas Eve Family Service told the Christmas Story to a packed house in a creative, memorable, age-appropriate manner for young children and their families.

Resources to Help You Lead Your Child

We believe that no one has more influence on the spiritual development of a child than the child's parents.  So each week we give these resources to parents when they pick up their child from Launch.  These pieces are designed to help parents know what to say and what to do to be the spiritual leader in their home and to help them lead their child into a growing understanding of Jesus Christ.

Small Talk Cards are an useful tool for parents of preschool age children.  The card lets parents know the Bible story reference, Bottom Line and Key Question. It also has a Teachable Moment.  Use these throughout the week with young children to start small talk about God and Jesus Christ.  The cards focus on the three main points that are repeated throughout the year: 1. Jesus wants to be my forever friend. 2. God made me. and 3. God loves me.

'Fridge Door Cards are for the parents of a 1st-5th grader so they will know what their child learned in Launch! at ACC on Sunday.  We want parents to be able to talk with their children about the things that matter most.  God things.  The 'Fridge Door Card includes the monthly virtue definition, memory verse, weekly Bottom Line, Bible story references and a few discussion questions.  Parents use the information on this card to start a conversation with their child and to reinforce the learning.  It works great in the car, bedtime or at meal time.

God Time cards are for 1st-5th grade children.  Each set has 4 short and sweet devotionals that are directly related to the lesson the children learned in Launch! at ACC on Sunday.  Parents can really help their child  learn and develop the habit of Bible study by doing these with them.

Remember, 100 years from now all that will matter is what we believe about Jesus Christ.  These tools will help parents lead their children into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.  Nothing is more important than that.


Covenant Heights Winter Camp

Winter Trailblazer

February 6-8, 2009

Covenant Heights Camp & Retreat Center

Are you in grades 3-6 or do you know someone who is? If so, we would love to have you at our Winter Trailblazer Camp! Sign up today and spend a weekend here at Covenant Heights learning what it means to be a Servant in God's Kingdom! You'll have tons of fun with all your friends - Tubing, Snowshoeing, Broomball, Crafts and More!

Cost: $100

For more information and a registration form, go to

Monday, January 5, 2009

Resourcefulness - January's 1st-5th grade Virtue

Taking Care of Business
To say God is resourceful is something of an understatement. After all, God not only owns all resources, He made them----from nothing. In the beginning God created everything, and then God did something else incredible: He made humanity in His own image (Genesis 1:27). As humans created in God's likeness, we've been given certain God-like characteristics, like resourcefulness. But not just for the sake of being resourceful. Resourcefulness has a purpose: to work, to get the job done. Look up "work" in the Bible, and you'll find God has much to say about work. We have a lot to say about work too, phrases that are sprinkled throughout our vocabulary: Work ethic, worker bee, and work force. Workaholic and work stoppage. Work on, work off, work out, work over. Our vocabulary shows our ambivalence about work.

  • And yet God made us to work: "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do" (Ephesians 2:10, NIV).
  • Commanded us, even, to work: "Six days do your work ..." (Exodus 23:12, NIV).
  • With diligence, according to Jesus: "As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me" (John 9:4, NIV).
  • And all our work is for Him, ultimately: "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men" (Colossians 3:23, NIV).

Essentially, resourcefulness boils down to the why and how of our work: The fact that God gives us work, so we need to work like we're working for Him, even when no one's watching, doing our best, and trusting that God will do His part and that He will give us what we need to get the job done. So this month we're "taking care of business"----using what we have to get the job done.
Week 1:
Bottom Line: Work like you're working for God.
Bible Context: A principle of work, Colossians 3
Week 2:
Work hard even when no one's watching.
(Bible Context: The ant and the sluggard, Proverbs 6
Week 3:
Do your best, and trust God to do His part.
Bible Context: Hezekiah and the wall, 2 Kings 18; 2 Chronicles 32
Week 4:
God gives you what you need to get the job done.
Bible Context: God does miraculous things through Moses, Exodus 4