Thursday, November 15, 2007

Wednesday Night Kids' Oasis Challenge

We love it so much when parents read the Bible with their children! I have a friend in the 5th grade that had an assignment to write about the moment he felt the happiest. He wrote that he is happiest when he is reading the Bible with his Dad. Amazing and wonderful!
We've challenged all of the kids that attend Kids' Oasis on Wednesday night to read Genesis 39-47 with their mom, dad, grandpa, grandma or other responsible adult between now and the next time we meet on January 9. If they read these chapters about Joseph and bring a signed note verifying that, we'll pat them on the back with a special reward.
Spiritual values are so much more caught than they are taught. When a parent takes the time to read God's Word and talk about what they learn from the stories, kids catch the values that last a lifetime.

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