Sunday, May 18, 2008

Launch! under construction this summer? No Problem

Welcome to summer? Really? It seems like we just finished celebrating the Christmas season! I hope you can make the time to relax and enjoy the summertime this year.

Around here at Launch! we really won’t be relaxing much. We want to make the most of every opportunity to reach, teach and touch children with the awesome life through Jesus Christ so we are going to take advantage of the 14 Sundays in June, July and August.

In July, a really great construction project will begin that will move some walls and adjust some spaces downstairs for the Launch! team to be able to serve children and families better. It is so great that our church is supporting this project that will improve our facility to help teach the Bible creatively, gather kids for celebration and worship and to create community with kids and leaders that are leading children into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Throughout the summer, we'll be able to offer Launch! for children in the rooms that will not be touched during the remodeling project. We'll shuffle room assignments around a bit before the project gets underway and use all 4 of the preschool rooms, the Triangle Room (rooms C101, 107, 108) and room A104. We'll still have enough space to accommodate all of the kids, have a great time together and point them to belief and faith in Jesus Christ all summer long.

The goal is to have this project completed by the end of August. Stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to the July start date.

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