Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hope - March's 1st-5th Grade virtue


H-O-P-E. We toss that little word around kind of carelessly, as if it merely meant "wish" or "want" or "dream." I hope you had a good day. I hope I get that for my birthday. I hope we get to do ____ next year. But it's actually a much bigger and consequential word than that. At least it is for people who put their hope in God. And it needs to be. Because let's face it: life can be hard. As the kids in your ministry grow, they're going to face all sorts of challenges and heartaches. Whether it's as life-altering as the loss of a parent or something on a smaller scale, like not making the team, tragedy can take many forms in a child's life. When it seems like everything is going wrong, that's when it's critical to have hope--believing that something good can come out of something bad. That's when we need to understand that H-O-P-E, in its most significant sense and when it's based on God, is really a synonym for firm belief, absolute trust, and in-my-gut knowing:
* "Our Hope is certain. It is something for the soul to hold on to. It is strong and secure."
(Hebrews 6:19, NIrV)
* "I will find my rest in God alone. He is the One who gives me hope."
(Psalm 62:5, NIrV)
* "'I know the Plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
(Jeremiah 29:11, NIV)
* "I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have Eternal life."
(1 John 5:13, NIV)
Our hope may be certain when it's placed in the all-powerful God of the universe, who makes good plans for us, not the least of which is eternal life with Him. But no one ever said hope is easy. So, when we're puzzled by life, pained by it, frustrated by it, angry at it, or can't see how in the world our situation could possibly fit in God's big plan (His giant jigsaw puzzle) we have a couple of choices: we can choose to get and stay mad about the puzzle pieces we're holding, or we can choose to trust God and let Him put the pieces in place. To trust that He not only has the big picture in mind, but that He's up to something bigger than just our few little pieces of the puzzle. Realizing that we can't see the big picture but that He can and He's in charge gives us hope. So in March, we'll start focusing on the Easter story through the lens of hope:

Week 1: Whatever happens, remember God has a plan.
(Paul is shipwrecked - Acts 27; 28)
Week 2: Whatever happens, remember how powerful God is.
(Lazarus is raised from the dead - John 11)
Week 3: Whatever happens, remember what Jesus did for you.
(Jesus' last supper with the disciples - Luke 22; John 13)
Week 4: Whatever happens, remember what Jesus promised.
(Jesus promises heaven - John 14)
Week 5: 5th Week Special Edition: Who is Jesus?
(Peter says Jesus is the Christ - Matthew 16)

We hope you have a great time helping your children learn this virtue in March.

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